
Lockdown, a novel, & the earthquake files


Entries in government of British Columbia (1)


What do you do when the lights go out?

There are three stages to a disaster:

  • preparation—planning, training, exercises, etc
  • event—this is when the most lives are at stake and time is off the essence
  • recovery—when efforts are made to restore life to the way it once was.

If you want to prepare for a disaster, there are several web-based games and quizzes that can help you in your efforts. Two of these are:

  • Just For Kids webpage from the government of British Columbia
  • FEMA also has a kids’ page with some excellent tests including one that prints as a graphic novel featuring the Disaster Masters when completed

But these two sites are part of the preparation stage of a disaster. They lead to another question: what are you going to do to amuse yourself after the event has passed? Major disasters often result in damage that can take literally months to repair. That may mean a lot of time without power or your usual activities. If you don’t have a computer to read, a Wii to play with, or phone service to text your friends, let alone a ride to soccer practice, how will you stay busy and avoid the trap of boredom and maybe even depression?

Does your emergency kit contain anything on this list:

  • A book
  • Pen, pencil and paper
  • A small musical instrument
  • A sewing kit
  • A deck of cards or
  • A portable game like you might take on a car trip?

What else might you include for entertainment in case you have to leave home for a few days?


Photo from iStock: Child and mother by Toffic