Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Word count: 437 Reading time: 1-2 minutes
How to get a book deal:
- write a novel
- give it to a few friends to read
- revise accordingly
- send a submission to an agent or publisher
- sign the contract.
That’s how it works for some authors and there is an entire chapter devoted to them in the book Life’s Not Fair. If you google “how to get a book deal” (over a billion hits) you’ll quickly realize how elusive a contract can be.
Four weeks ago, on a cold, grey morning that was more like January than June, my phone rang as I was coming out of the dentist. When Anita Daher said that Great Plains Publications wanted to offer me a contract on my most recently-completed YA novel (tentatively titled Lockdown), I looked up at the cloud-shrouded mountains and decided that the weather had never been finer. Two nail-biting weeks later a soft copy of the contract arrived and there was my name, Maggie Bolitho, hereinafter called the Author.
Last week, more thrilling still, the hard copy of the contract arrived. After another read, front-to-back, I signed page 8 and returned it. Scheduled release date for the book: Spring 2014.
I wrote the SFD of Lockdown just over 18 months ago (NaNoWritMo 2010). Unlike the lucky authors who hit their stride right out of the gate, it’s taken a while for me to get this manuscript ready for prime time. My warm-up included three or four dozen short stories, two other YA novels, two adult novels, and I even experimented with futuristic Sci Fi (the less said bout that, the better). When my energy stalled, I took courses and joined online and R/L groups. I paired up with a tireless writing partner who is both forthright with her insightful critiques as well as encouraging. For over a year I worked with writing coach, Bruce McAllister, who helped me polish my work and hone my query letter to the point where it finally became market-ready. I’ve scaled stout walls over the past few years.
So now I’m at the next bend in the road and I can see a few hurdles ahead. I’m primed and ready. I’ve been preparing for this part of the adventure for a few years now.
Where are you in your writer’s journey? Are you laying track and looking forward to pulling the entire novel together? Are you finished and revising, getting as much feedback as you can before you submit the work to the market? Or are you in the arduous process called submission, waiting for your phone call?
Maggie Bolitho, Author

Reader Comments (10)
Knowing how difficult it is to get published, it is even more impressive to hear your wonderful news. Personally, I'm still laying track on my first novel. You inspire me to keep moving.
Thanks Allison. I can't wait to see where this part of the journey takes me.
This is one of the most fantastic pieces of news I have heard in a long time.
They might be platitudes (and as an author you should eschew them) BUT - Well done !,
Congratulations ! Well deserved ! Couldn't happen to anyone better ! Yay !!
Great ! Great ! Great !!!!
Gerry C.
Kind words from well-loved friends never sound like platitudes to me, Gerry. They are what keeps a person moving forward.
Thanks for your support - now and before this madness even took hold.
And this is just the beginning. On the road to fame and fortune!
Just let us know when you want us to start organising the Australian launch party
Well it's the beginnning of something! I think a separate Australian launch should definitely be in the cards.
Congratulations Maggie! Who would have thought that Langara would ultimately lead to this. And your friends are right when they tell you that this is just the beginning. There will be many milestones but you are as tenacious as they come. As George Jonas, the author of some 15 books, recently said: “The first manuscript you finish makes you an author; the first somebody prints, a published author; the first friendly review, a critically acclaimed author; the first edition you sell out, a best selling author. Being still in print after ten years makes you a classic.”
So there you go Maggie…., the long road ahead. I can’t wait to get my signed copy of the first edition.
That is a fabulous quote, thanks Alar.
I'm going to print it and put it in my notebook.
Alan shared with me the news at lunch on Friday. It made my day. Great things come to those who have the desire, the drive and the willingness and ability to withstand rejection. There will be a lot of publishing houses that will be sorry that they did not accept your work. Looking forward to purchasing a copy and getting it autographed. Maybe two autographed copies so I may sell one on ebay. :)
Hey, Tom
You hit the nail on the head with 'ability to withstand rejection.' Writing demands a thick skin and a lot of perseverance. I love your thoughts about other publishing houses!
Thanks for the encouragement.