Unlocking the door

Word count: 275 Reading time: 2 mins
I didn’t need to take the Jung Typology Test* to find out I was an innie. But I did and it confirmed that I am squarely in the introvert camp. All of my life I’ve known that my energy strengthens when I am alone. I happily spend long hours walking and looking at solitary sunsets, lost in private thoughts.
Sometimes I wish it were otherwise, just as I occasionally wish my brown eyes were blue or grey or hazel. While being an introvert is an advantage for the isolated work of writing, it is a distinct disadvantage for gathering fodder for the story. So this year I’ve pushed myself out of the grotto more than ever. I’ve gone to fund-raisers and parties. I’ve seen the Kodo Drummers and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. I’ve had interesting conversations with complete strangers. It’s been a new me. Okay, a less reserved me.
Last week was one of the best tickets of the year: the Vancouver International Writers’ Festival. I went to the session, Culture in a Petri Dish. When David Gilmour talked about the bruising apprenticeship that comes with being a writer, it resonated strongly. Even without meeting him or the other panel members, Abdou, Lynn Coady, and Timothy Taylor, their ideas and experiences inspired me.
In November I have tickets to David Sedaris. In spite of all indications above, I’m looking forward to the crowds, the noise, and the buzz of downtown on a Saturday night. Are my spots changing? When I wake one morning will my eyes have turned green?
What is your strongest trait? Is it also your weakest?
Photo: Alan Bolitho
* Take the personality test here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/