What are you talking about?

Recently I went to see Neil Gaiman at the Vogue. It was festival seating so we arrived almost an hour ahead of time and stood patiently amidst the cigarette butts, blobs of gum, and other detritus that are now a permanent part of the Vancouver cityscape.
Word count: 452 Reading time: 1-2 minutes
The woman in front of me talked, at a high decibel level, about her writing. She spoke in great detail about her characters and plot. Given her volume and side glances, I was sure she wanted to be listened to so, of course, I obliged. All the while I kept thinking about William Baldwin’s adage: empty vessels make the most noise. I wondered if she had actually written a word or if she just loved to contemplate the novel she might one day complete.
The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. That’s the way I feel about writing. If I talk about what I’m doing with more than a very few people, it seems to dissipate before my very eyes, like a breath on a cold winter’s day. It’s as if I’m showing people how the smoke and mirrors work when I don’t actually know yet because I haven’t choreographed the entire magic show.
Years ago, a friend of mine wouldn’t buy a single thing for her first baby’s nursery before the birth because she thought it was bad luck. Somehow preparing for the baby would jinx its healthy arrival. I hold a similar belief about my novels and short stories. If too many people know about them, the spell will be broken and the spark that keeps them alive will be extinguished by the constant breeze of my voice talking about them.
In Gaiman’s The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, the protagonist (who is either unnamed or called George – read and decide for yourself) as an adult artist (unspecified discipline) says his work is doing fine thank you. [I] never know how to talk about what I do. If I could talk about it, I would not have to do it.
That’s the way I feel every time someone says, ‘So. How is your writing going?’ I mumble a vague comment and then redirect the conversation to something about them. That usually silences any further questions.
Howard Ogden said writing is like sex: you should do it, not talk about it. Did he say that because he is as superstitious as I am? Or does he just want to be spared long-winded descriptions of stories that may never be fully realized?
What about you? Can you talk about your writing at length without harming it? Or do you need to be near completion before you share the treasure?
Picture from Wikimedia Commons: Shhhh by Norrie Adamson

Reader Comments (4)
Love this post, Maggie! I, too, have difficulty talking about my writing and agree wholeheartedly. I only share my work with a few ;). I find if I share anything too soon, I scan the face of the person listening and read too much into it, thinking, "Oh, it's a bad idea," because they didn't encourage it. Same goes for when I state an idea that's too well received. I think I must stick to that idea, because it had to be good. There's so much uncertainty to this solo occupation. And yet, when the time is right for sharing, it is a beautiful thing.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for articulating perfectly the reasons why I keep my stories close to my chest.
End result: a risk of holding on too tightly, of losing the opportunity for new eyes to bring helpful perspectives to the work. What a dilemma.
If we’re perseverant and a bit lucky, we find a good critique partner or two. Feedback, from a respectful but somewhat ruthless reader, moves work from black and white to Technicolor. It is oxygen!
Another great blog, Maggie! Are all writers this superstitious? I know I am. Like you, I prefer to fly under the radar. I don't want to jinx myself or my story by telling others what I'm up to.
Thanks Allison.
Truth is also hold back because I'm less than confident about what I'm doing. I don't trust my work until it's almost fully developed.
I have one half-finished novel that has languished for (cough cough) years. It was joy to write but then it stalled. I'm glad I didn't talk about that way widely and freely. And I won't mention it again.