Are you making time?

In all our deeds the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure, according to Malcolm X.
In 2014:
- My YA novel Lockdown will be released in the spring. Before that happens, a press kit and a book launch must be organized.
- My epic Australian novel is shaping up and should be moved to submission-ready status.
- The Young Writers Club remains stronger than ever and still demands lots of time and preparation.
- I have a handful of short stories to polish.
- This writing blog and the earthquake blog must be maintained.
- A rough draft of a new YA novel needs a month or more of work.
Word count: 370 Reading time: 1-2 minutes
Behind the scenes there are major changes going on in my personal life that wake me early every morning and occupy me until I drop into bed, late every night.
How easy it would be, in the midst of all this busyness, to think, “I’ll find time to write something new tomorrow.” Time is a slippery thing: one unproductive day becomes seven. A week drifts into a month. Experience warns me that if I let things slide, soon I won’t have created anything new in recent memory.
This year I will make time (because no one finds it) for all the competing priorities. Otherwise starting a new project, or even advancing a half-finished one, seems as feasible as scaling Mt. Everest. To avoid this pitfall, I will shake myself and remember that the only way to get things done is to quit talking about them and just do them.
A goal without a date is just a dream said Milton H. Erickson. So, before the days disappear like cherry blossoms in spring, I’m going to set deadlines and try to avoid the whooshing sound as they fly past. (with thanks to Douglas Adams). I don’t want 2014’s goals to end up as unrealized dreams. I have a calendar. I have dates for each goal. I really, really intend to stick with it. Unless, of course, there is another cute dog or cat video on YouTube…..
What are you doing this year to master the gift of time? Have you recorded your writing goals? Are they broken into small increments that aren’t overwhelming?
Photo from Wikimedia Commons: Wanduhr in Deutschland. Es ist 15:00 Uhr.

Reader Comments (1)
Mastering the gift of time is always a challenge for me. If only I had more self-discipline!
With all the fires you have burning at one time I'm in awe of how much you accomplish!
I can't wait to read Lockdown!