Merci Beaucoup

Sylvia Taylor, Lynn Crymble, Martin Crosbie, Sonia Haynes, Maggie Bolitho, Cathy Scrimshaw
A very big thank you to the tireless organizers and volunteers who made the 2013 North Shore Writers’ Festival such a success! Not only did it pack a day and a half with great speakers, best selling authors and a fun trivia night, it was free – again. You could pay so much more and get so much less.
Thanks especially to the indefatigable Heidi Schiller with the City of North Vancouver: Library (Librarian, Readers’ Services and Customer Engagement) the driving force behind it.
Thanks to these sponsors who make the annual festival possible:
- North Shore News
- North Vancouver City Library
- North Vancouver District Public Library
- West Vancouver Memorial Library
- Friends of the North Vancouver City Library
- Friends of the North Vancouver District Library
- Friends at the Library
- Canada Council for the Arts
- The Writers Union of Canada
I was on the Saturday morning writers’ panel with Sylvia Taylor, Lynn Crymble, Martin Crosbie and Sonia Haynes, moderated by Cathy Scrimshaw. These other writers, far more experienced in public speaking than I am, didn’t just tolerate a newbie sharing the floor with them, they welcomed me and put me at ease (as much as that was possible). I thank them for their kindness and encouragement.
But most of all thanks to the wonderful people who showed and supported the many events.
Photo by: Joan Boxall