Do you know when to lie down?
Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 10:01AM
Maggie Bolitho in 152nd Highland Games, Border Collies, Editing, Editing fiction, Highland Games Victoria BC, Literary Corner Cafe, NaNoWriMo, Persistence, Persistence in writing, Power of the Border Collie, Rosendahl, Sheep and sheep dog, The hardest part of writing, Tobias Wolff, Writer's journey, Writing habits, patience in writing, persistence, persistence in writing

Earlier this month I went to the 152nd Highland Games in Victoria BC.  Arriving early we had excellent seats to watch the Border Collies work. I’ve seen these dogs in action on huge sheep properties in Australia and admired their skill and enthusiasm. Their talents, demonstrated in the video called Power of the Border Collie, are:

Word count: 374                                                            Reading time: 1-2 minutes

As I watched them at the Games, I thought of how their work was like a writer’s.

Of all these virtues, for me patience is the most difficult one. I want to chase those sheep until they’re rounded up and through the gate but that’s not how life works. Watch this champion dog Nell as she lies down and nudges the sheep to her will. Sometimes I need to just back off and strong eye my manuscript. Look for the stray story lines and extraneous characters that are cluttering up the scenes.

What is the hardest part of the writing discipline for you? Are you impatient? Do you focus on word count while giving character and plot development less time than they deserve? Do you need to get in front of your work, lie down, and give it the strong eye?


Photo from Wikimedia Commons: Sheep & Sheep Dog by Rosendahl

Article originally appeared on Maggie Bolitho, Emerging Writer (
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