If not now - when?
Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 6:10PM
Maggie Bolitho in Alison Acheson, Joan Marie Galat, Margriet Ruurs, Moonlight Castle Series Writers, Richard Ssrimger, SCBWI, SCBWI Western Canada, Writers supporting writers, Writers' isolation, Writing groups, isolation in writing, writers groups, writers helping writers

The sun bloomed glorious and hot last Saturday, giving Vancouver the first sweet kiss of summer. Because the heavy drapes in the hotel conference room were slightly cracked, I saw some of that enticing sunlight. I would have preferred to be hking a forest trail or by the sea but I’d signed up for the SCBWI conference weeks before. I was committed.

Word count: 488                                                                        Reading time: approx. 2 mins.

To me, conferences and writing groups can be a bit of a gamble. At least one conference I went to was a complete waste of time. I’ve been to a writers’ group that was a thinly-disguised tea party. I continue to sign up anyway and remind myself that the doors aren't locked at these things. An early exit is always the fallback plan.

Last Saturday? It paid off:

If I could redo the early years of my writing life, I would start going to these in-person events much sooner. Why didn’t I? I thought I wasn't a real writer because I didn’t have a vast portfolio of work or a commercial publishing contract. What I didn't realize, until I'd been to a few of them, is yes, conferences, book launches, writers' talks and groups do take away from the actual hours available for writing. At the same time, they energize, hone skills, and provide the chance to meet fellow travellers on an often difficult road.

I know now that it is never too soon (or too late) to sign up for the first in-person writers’ conference or group. If you can’t afford the registration fee, some conferences need volunteers to help with their functions. In return, volunteers may sit in on some of the sessions.

Have you been to your first conference yet? What’s holding you back?


Photo from Wikimedia Commons: Moonlight Castle Series Writers' Talks 2013-02-02

Article originally appeared on Maggie Bolitho, Emerging Writer (http://maggiebolitho.squarespace.com/).
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