What are the signs?
Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 5:07PM
Maggie Bolitho in Anne Lamott, Beginner writers, Colette, Emerging writers, Ernest Hemingway, Hobo signs, On Writing, Perseverance in writing, Stephen King, Writers as observers, Writing platform, abandoned cats, beginner writers, perseverance in writing, starting to write, writing groups

In Australia my husband and I adopted a series of abandoned cats. Our vet said there was a mark on our front gatepost that told the animals our house was a good place to find food, shelter, and safety—like the hobo marks of a bygone era.

The internet is that gatepost now. Whatever a person wants to do, the directions are laid out, marks carved or chalked, by those who have passed that way before. Naively, when I set out, I didn’t look for those marks. I thought writing was a solitary journey. It would be an understatement to say I made mistakes—but that’s one way to get an education.

Word count: 481                                                                                                      Reading time: 1-2 minutes

Some of the marks I wish I’d seen earlier in my writing life were these:


What would the hobo marks look like for the points above? What other reminders should be on this list for writers new and old?

Article originally appeared on Maggie Bolitho, Emerging Writer (http://maggiebolitho.squarespace.com/).
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