Is your writing as strong as good tea?
Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 8:45AM
Maggie Bolitho in 10000 Hour Rule, Joshua Kaiser, Malcolm Gladwell, Patience in writing, Perseverance in writing, Ragne Kabanova, Suw Charman-Anderson, Tolstoy, Writing and social media, patience in writing, patient tea, writing and social media

The patience of tea refers to its quality after being brewed many times. Good teas – patient teas – maintain complexity and flavour with multiple infusions. The flavour evolves each step of the way, as Joshua Kaiser one of the world’s leading tea experts demonstrates here.

Likewise, patience builds a good writing career.

(Word count: 342                Reading time: 1-2 minutes)

In other words, if you want to carve out a career as a writer, be prepared to cultivate the virtue of patience. Tolstoy said, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Right now the publishing industry is battling for sales in a constantly changing, more-distracted-than-ever market. Prepare for a wait. How?

Impatience is the intolerance of anything that thwarts or delays us. It’s a wonderful quality in a character. In a writer a lack of patience crimps the prose and taints the voice.

What are you waiting for in your writing life? Are you like patient tea, transforming with multiple infusions of practice and feedback?


Photo by: Ragne Kabanova

Article originally appeared on Maggie Bolitho, Emerging Writer (
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